My Girl. Wow I’m old

Rhythm In Life


March 31st 8 years ago was that day; a special day for our family!

My dearest baby girl,

Today is one of the many

Reminders of the day I held “sunshine” in my arms; you my little girl .

You are growing

You are blooming

And it’s beautiful and exciting to watch day by day.

As time goes by,

My prayer is still that you my baby girl will continue to grow in the knowledge of Christ

I pray for God’s guidance and grace in knowing how to love, nurture, cherish and protect you every second of my breathe

I pray that my words to you will always be filled with love, encouragement and affirmation

I pray that you will never let this broken world dim your shining light that your daddy, brother and I have had the joy of knowing for 8 years now

I pray that you will…

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