Happy Birthday my boy.

Rhythm In Life


Ten years ago, my husband and I welcomed our first child; our little boy; my husband’s little buddy and my other “guy”/our precious gift from God.
My little guy made me a mom; an honor that I was privileged to take on. To say, I have learned so much about motherhood since then would be an understatement.
It’s been a joy watching my little “guy” grow from “mommy’s clingy guy” to mommy’s defender and daddy’s copycat.
I am thankful to be called your mother my little Gary
I am thankful that I have the privilege to watch you grow
I am thankful to watch your growth in the love of Christ which still leaves speechless
I am thankful that you are our first child; a great role model to your sister and an amazing leader
I am thankful for God’s amazing Grace towards you.
I know there are many, many…

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